My experiences sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Concepcion Chile from September 2015 through September 2017

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

a few new investigators...

Hows it going? This week was pretty good. We were able to find two people that are pretty good investigators. They were both found through the members of the ward and one of them is the daughter of an inactive lady. Her name is Margarita and its hard to be able to teach because we have to focus on both the mom and the daughter and they have different situations. The other one is the mom of a member. Ill let you know next week if they are progressing or not. We have basically been going off of nothing because they had nothing when I got here. Its been tough but a good challenge.

Today in the morning we went to the mountains for a zone activity which was cool. But we were supposed to go and play in the snow and stuff and there was no snow. That was kind of a letdown but we went on a pretty cool hike and saw some cool stuff.

But thats just about it for the week. Make sure to tell your moms that you love them and appreciate them. Have a good week!

Love Elder Parker