So this week was super good. We are having a bunch of success with really good people that we are finding but they have the problem of not going to church. Its like they want everything we have to offer up until we tell them that they have to go to church and then they kind of lose interest and desire. Its kind of frustrating actually but its alright. The families are still progressing but its slow. They have to hurry up so that I can get them baptized before I go home which comes way too soon. But the newest family that we have is the best one with the mom, her two daughters and her son. She has problems with her son because he just doesnt want to obey. B
asically all of our investigators told us that they weren't going to go to church this week which killed us because we have a ton of good investigators that could be baptized easily if they would just go to church. So we fasted and prayed and had to simply start inviting strangers to church. We invited a ton of people and with one of the ladies that we invited, named Ana, told us that she would go. We didn't really believe her but we made plans with her to pass by her house and pick her up before and when we went we were pleased to find her outside of her house waiting for us haha. We went together and she liked it a lot so now we are going to see if she becomes a good investigator.
Today in the morning it was raining pretty hard again with a bunch of wind so we decided that it would be a perfect day for the beach. So we got together a group of 8 missionaries and went. After a pretty cool hike we made it to Ramuntcho,a hidden beach that I guess is usually super cool and calm with water that is like green but today it wasn't like that. We finished super soaked but it was still fun. The first picture is seconds before I get my feet soaking wet from a big wave which is the second picture haha.
But yeah hope that you all have a good week. Have a good 4th of July!
Elder Parker